Civilization Wars MC Wiki

Mesh is a simple "language" constructed by Schnitzengruber for efficient combat communication. Most words are 2 letter combinations that fit nouns and verbs. The first letter of each noun specifies the category, while the second specifies which object it is within the category. With verbs, the first letter is the actual verb, while the second symbol is in what way it is to be taken as (a command, a description, or a suggestion). It is supposed to be read pretty much the same way as English would be, but is much more efficient to type, if one has the vocabulary memorized. The language only contains words that are specific to the server, and focuses heavily on combat-based vocabulary.


Noun Categories[]

Many +

Little -

Block c-

Weapon w-

Armor a-

Item m-

Structure t-

Potion i-

Concept h-

Person r-

Verb Categories[]

Negation x-

Imperative (command) -,

Realis (descriptor) -;

Subjunctive (subjunctive) -.

Past tense @-

Future tense #-

Articles & Misc[]

A- o

The- oh

This/that- og

Some- os

These- ohs

Those- ogs


I/me- I

You- u


We- is

Y’all- us

They- es


And- an

Or- or

But- bu

Because- so



Location- p’

Above- pa

On- po

In- pi

Under- pu

Behind- pb

In front- pf

With- pw


Potion- i’

Health- ih

Damage- id

Poison- ip

Regen- ir

Invis- ii

Speed- if

Strength- im

Water breath- ib

Slow- ig

Fire resist- il

Weakness- iw

Gapple- gg


Weapon- w’

Sword- ws

Bow- wb

Tnt- wt

Cannon- wc

Fire- wf

Arrow- wa

Flag- ff


Armor- a’

Helmet- ah

Chestplate- ac

Leggings- al

Boots- ab

P4- pp


Block- c’

Wood- cp

Log- cv

Stone- cs

Cobble- cu

Obsidian- co

Diamond- cd

Iron- ci

Gold- cg

Brick- cb

Water- cw

Lava- cl

Chest- cc

Enchanting- ce

Dispenser- cr

Tnt- ct


Item- m’

Leather- ml

Meat- mm

Cropfood- mc

Book- mb

Egg- me

Diamond- md

Gold- mg

Iron- mi

Slimeball- ms

Redstone- mr

Head- mh


Structure- t’

Wall- tw

Hill- th

River- tr

Tree- tt

Building- tb

Roof- tk

Capital- tg

Fort- tf

Homeblock- ts

Vault- tv

Town- tc

Mine- tm

Farm- ti

Road- ta

Ground- te


Player- r’

Enemy- re

Ally- ra

Noob- rn

Bandit- rb

Innocent- ri


it- dd


Have- h

Need- n

Harvest- m

Kill- k

Defend- d

Flag- f

Hide- s

Hurry- o

Retreat- r

Wait- w

Sneak- t

Shoot- b

Destroy- j

Grief- g

Distract- q

Taunt- y

Ender pearl- l

Like- c

Attack- a

Go- g

Be (is/are)- e

Example: o, a, oh tw so r' e po dd = hurry attack the wall because there are people on it

Obviously the language lacks proper punctuation, but that will be dealt with later.
